A hard core outlining fool, that's me. I've spent nearly my whole day on the whole mess of this project, and it's really a continuous thing from here on out--at least until the end of exams. (They think they're so fancy, calling them exams instead of finals...bah!) I just hope I get enough good stuff into them before then! Scratch that: before Thanksgiving break, actually, because it looks like I'm going to Japan after all. Did I already mention that?
So anyway, i had this great scheme of a plan today: I was gonna get up and work just a little bit, but of course manage to get everything done and then some, probably before noon. Then I was going to take a few hours off before heading downtown (another one of those fancy words: 'downtown' rather than 'the city'--bah again!) to meet up with Amber from school in order to fit in a mini-study sesh of everything we've been working on for the past two months. This, I figured, would take about two hours or so. (Aren't I an efficient planner?! Nothing wrong with a little ambition, I always say.) And then finally, I would top off the night by heading over to Brooklyn, maybe grabbing a local beer, and watching the all-creative, all-original open mic night performers at Pete's Candy Store. It was gonna be suuuper mellllow, lemme tell you. Then, I'd come home by like, 9ish, and quickly do the fifty or so pages of tomorrow's dense reading, calling it a night by 11 or so.
So! Not bad, eh? How did this lovely agenda play out, you ask? Well, let's just say that it's 11 after 11 right now (make a wish!), and I've pretty much left the house for a sum of approximately 12 minutes. (Cuz I've got a dog, see, and she's got needs you know.) At least I know for sure that the sun came up today, but I couldn't tell you for how long... :P On the up side, I DID get a good amount done--but the problem with outlines is that a shit ton of hours don't typically add up to nearly the progress one would expect. Nor hope, i'm afraid. Thus: meeting with Amber on Tuesday instead; starting tomorrow's homework as we speak; and saving all my brilliant schemes for next weekend, since Mike is blessedly flying out. In the mean time: it's light at the end of the tunnel time, la gente!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
Is 'sesh' another one of those fancy New York words instead of session? ;-) And did you get everything done in two hours? Ha! Super Wonder Woman for even trying!