Geez louise! Daisy dukes!! It's already so late tonight...after 1 in the morning and despite my grainy eyes, i'm wide the heck awake. Something about a bit of jet-lag, not yet worn off...? Or better yet, just the fact that I'm big-time SCHEMING tonight!
So here's where my mind's racing off to, when it's not able to focus on Contracts' readings: Gotta let the truck go! I could save on both gas and the ridiculously almost tripled cost of car insurance on this side of the world (in comparison with 'that', but of course). Also, never again having to worry about being ticketed during the day (which is everyday, were I not driving to school at present)--but trade off for the fact that having a dog means feeling most comfortable with a vehicle by which to transport her... Nonetheless! So far, it hasn't come up. And at least predictably-wise, it should only really come up during extended vacation times--like say winter and summer breaks, when I'll be running back home ASAP. Other than that...?
And even more schemes! I'm trying to work my budget of money and time out so that I might afford both to expend on a little, itsy-bitsy trip to *coughcough!* Japan. *Swallowcough!* Cuz that would be a perfectly sensible Thanksgiving option, I'm thinking.
Anyway! Final scheme of the night? Maybe, instead of getting a real job during the extra time that I don't have, I could just figure out how to use these AdSense dealios to my benefit. Right? I mean, if Dooce could do it. (Not that I'm comparing...cuz let's just not even go there, eh?) So if anyone has any suggestions on how to "join" the "virtual world" of the "blogger" community--ideally without necessitating the embarrassing over-use of quotations--then I'm totally all ears. Or eyes...or something. Don't quote me on that. Unless you feel like linking, too!! (Hmm, this shameless self-aggrandizing stuff ain't so hard as you'd think... First I sell my soul to law school, and now this?! Let's call it a weak economy, shall we? Sigh.)
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
But if you don't have a car then it will take so much longer to get to school and add to your already extra long day. And the Japnese notion sounds lovely if you can pull it off. The Pilgrims would have if they could have.