Despite the fact of a 22-hour day--there's really not much to say tonight. All the drama of the study group dropped away in light of my sudden, emergency of a trip, and I fatalistically stopped worrying about missing a class and a half when the decision was finally made last night. So everything else rolled out nicely after that.
Woke up early to pack this morning, than ran off to class from 9 to 11 where I got to watch my favorite professor perform before running right back home to finish the packing and step out for the almost two-hour public transport trip to La Guardia. Once there, with plenty of time to spare, thank goodness, 'twas just a game of waiting and homework for the next 9 hours. From Terminaling--to flying--to laying over in N.C. (where they have heavy white rocking chairs scattered all over the mall-like design of the airport)--to flying one more time and finally arriving in LAX. Dadda came and got me after the delayed flight arrival of 9:30pm his time (12:30am mine), and alls I gots left to say is dinner, home, sweet & beautiful Katie Sue, some Norman Rockwell is Bleeding comedy, and a bit of an on-the-electric-fence planning session before I just freakin' jumped off and finally went to bed. Here's what we came up with:
Tomorrow, go with dad to Hemet and visit with Grandma, Aunt Kathy, and Uncle Rick. Spend the night; greet Jacob (& Auna?) & Robert (flying in from WA...woo-hoo!), and Katie & Alex too when they all come to join us for a Saturday visit; then possibly catch up with Mike my dear that evening some time? (One can hope!) Next morning, fly back to NYC first freakin' crazy thing. Whoosh! And yes, a bit of homework can and will be fitted into the days, methinks, just barely between the cracks. In Jake's more-or-less words: it's all quite the crazy scheme! I'm still completely convinced that it's worth it, though...
But hell, so much for the "not much to say" promise, eh?
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
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