So highlight of the day? (Actually, the freakin' day just went on and on, even though I have to admit that it was damn nice not to have a morning class...of course, i pitter-pattered away my time by sleeping and pretending to do research when i finally got to school, just about an hour and a half class before my afternoon class anyway. Ah well!) Besides sickly rock-climbing and fantastical smiles spread amongst the wealthy and wicked alike (not sure who I'm referring to here, exactly, but I'm definitely stoked on the near-alliteration!), the big to-do (ta-dah?!) was a volunteer training that i attended called the Suspension Revocation Advocates. Fancy-sounding, eh? Actually, the cases are pretty simple: ever hear of the school-to-prison pipeline? The idea is that overpopulated and underfunded schools will more often than we'd like use the suspension of "trouble students" as a tool to basically kick them out of school, often instating suspension terms up to one-year long for minor infractions. (Who in their right mind WOULD go back to a school that did that to you?!) So, our job is basically taking on these kids cases and acting as their advocates during the superintendent hearing that accompanies the sentencing period, after a suspension has been requested by the school for the kid-at-question. Pretty cool work, sounds like, and mostly straight-forward as far as cases go. But great hands-on practice, do be doing them directly!
Okay, that's all i got. Actually, that's kinda too much... My bad!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
You go Girl!