(Cold, dude.) So, guess what? Not dead!! Although, still pretty much writhing in "exquisite pain", as my nurse practitioner 'Karen' assured me was typical of middle ear infections. On the upside--not an eardrum issue, so my hearing won't be any more impaired than it naturally is, due to lack of attention, distraction, and other such supporting factors of hearing impairment. Phew-ee!
Besides that, tomorrow will be the first of a series of blissful Wednesday morning, wherein no more of the tedium of Research Labbing will be exacted onto the poor, unsuspecting souls of law students. Let us all rejoice!! Of course, just in time for the conclusion of lab, our first real research assignment is due this Friday, so I'll be researching my little heart out in the library first thing in the morning, anyway... But i don't HAVE to be there, is the thing! (Leave me be--we all need our little victories, okay?!)
Let's see...other things before signing off... I was thinking that I really should be more concrete with this here blog--like, by describing events that actually occur throughout the day, rather than just my impressions of them. (Or, even more indirect, my resultant writing mood, thanks to them...)
Like for instance, how today the weather shot twenty degrees back up from 45 to 65, and all of nature was jubilantly singing. One squirrel even got so excited that she lost her footing and fell from the thin branches of the tree top above me! She fell 20 feet at least, and landed (miraculously unharmed!) atop the picnic bench where I sat studying over my lunch. "Hullo!" I told her. "Where the devil did you come from?!" Not a particularly gracious squirrel, she did a double-take and checked the state of her limbs before shooting off the table and landing right on the truck of the tree from which she just fell--completely ignoring me, mind you.
[Anyway, I figured that story was way better than the one where a girl in my study group duplicitously ducked out--without ever really admitting it--after cancelling a buncha times because she would have preferred to meet on a different day, but wasn't honest about it. Whatevs lady!, I woulda said, you can study anytime, and with anybody you want!! But don't go sneaking around the library with someone else and pretend like you gotta hide it...that's just LaME. And frankly, completely foreign to me. I think that type of indirectness might qualify as a sort of East Coast etiquette--but if so, i be wanting none of that!]
Okay, I'ma gonna quit ranting now. :D Bet you're glad now i usually 'can' the stories! Of course, you didn't exactly ask me not to in the first place... Ah well!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
I don't know who is more East coast rude! The squirrel or the Lawyer- wanna-be Lady
ReplyDeleteWell in any case, we're technically all 'lawyer-wanna-be's around here... :D