A single Stella Artois and a toasted Panini with tomato, basil, & mozzarella--the appetizers to a perfect evening of folk indie rock. w00t! The first band had a stand-up bassist, but I've come to see the second band: Man and Dog, they're called, and faring from Baltimore, thank you very much. And as a matter of fact, they ALSO have a stand-up bassist. Not too shabby!
So after a zillion and a half trains or so, and the magnificent Manhattanian journey from the Bronx to Brooklyn, at last I sit here, all comfy in a small, narrow hallway of a venue called Pete's Candy Store, as I was happily spurred on by my one truluv sometime earlier in the day.
As most places in NYC go, this swanky little bar looks WAY better on the inside than it does on the out--cuz presumably it WAS a tiny candy shop somewhere along the evolutionary track to its growing up and becoming a bar/venue--resplendent with music, poetry readings & lit lectures, comedy & improv, and of course the required Sunday 5pm open mic night opportunity...
WAITWAITWAIT! They're done setting up, sounds like, and starting now...catch you in a bit!
Okay, back. That was the coolest show ever. Afterward, they gave out a few free cds, and being that i was sitting in front and stoked, I was one of the lucky folks to get a CD. Yay! One of the lead singers even said something like, "That was great, you were, like, smiling and jazzed up the whole time...if i was playing for anyone it was for you." (Ahhhh!) So now, you too can enjoy my new favorite band: www.myspace.com/mananddogmusic.
Well then, I would just call it a good night and go home, except that the next band is setting up and it looks like they have a nice lady violinist...so again, I'll have to catch up with you guys later. Happy weekends!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
Sounds like a good day indeed. And as far as I'm concerned every live band is playing just for you. You are an enthusiastic and ever present listener.