Today was beyond priceless (despite my barely conscious way of dealing with it), and most perfect in its impeccability of timing.
Last night I heard from Mike at least after Grandma had fallen asleep. Unfortunately, he didn't receive my message this morning, so he expected me to be in Huntington Beach that night. I wasn't, of course, but basking in the presence of my grand other--all the flippin' way out here in Hemet. But long story short (cuz I'm tired, no. 1, and no. 2, not-interested-in-divulging too much of what's mine and M's only--regardless of the fact that this here post is on a blog, which by definition is not explanations necessary if you don't get it anyway): I drove out to San Marcos, near San Diego to see the damn gorgeous kid last night--always worth it, even if for just a tiny bit. (What can I say--I'm fuckin' pussy-whipped. :P) (*Shudder. I freakin' hate that term.)
And so, I woke up all the way out there this morning with my most wonderful dad's car. And slowly, after breakfast and much experience fit into a very small time, I drove back to Hemet just behind two sets of my siblings. For the rest of the lovely day, time skipped out its rhythm to the language of writing; math; laughter; and good-intentioned, conspiratorial whispers. "God, I love my family." Every time most of us are together, this is the predominant sentiment influencing my mood. Which was jubilant--despite or because of the situation, it's hard to tell. On the way back here (where Katie-the-amazing drove way the heck out of her way for to drop off her poor, temporaily automobileless siblings at their various need-to-gos), the car at large embarked on a fantabulous convo chalk-full of lifes and deaths and loves and faiths and art and cash. Couldn't have asked for a more appropriate--nor welcome--ending.
Not including the part where I get to go to sleep. Which is this part, here, and I can never really ask for more. (Where would I even put it?!!)
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
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