Presently, I'm sitting at my roommate's tiny kitchen table, listening to the bass underlying a Sublime song somewhere in one of the apartments out the window at my back, drinking a warm beer and wondering what the hell everyone's doing out on the town on a 40 degree Friday night?! Whatever their crazy excuse, I simply have yet to acquire enough ball-power to brave such bitter cold...let alone enough stylish layers.
Hey, wanna see a nice picture?! Here you go!:

And with that, we're off! (Oh, except that I think I'm gonna pay to get this darling creature onto a T-Shirt, as a fundraising effort for the animal rights advocacy group at school. Give a shout-out if you just have to have one!)
Faretheewell folk,
Sierra is adorable!!! Forty degrees!! The really scary part is it is going to get even colder. Me? Oh we had to struggle with 79 degree weather today.