Here at last!! "And on the 50th day, she walked in between the two coasts, separated by an entire nation." From John Wayne in Orange Co., Ca., with Katie Sue and her passed-out boo, --> to JFK in NYC, with two Indian businessmen, as lost and stark-struck as children... Till at last the journey ends at my current version of 'home', with me, here on the 50th day, representing both places by unfortunately standing on East Coast soil while still being on West Coast time... Ah well!
This time I really will keep it short, cuz basically it was just a travel day. Good convos with some travel-companion folks--and even a grand book recommendation: "Unto the Daughters" by Karen Tintori. (Sounds good and intense, just how i like it!) But now I'm determined to try to get some sleep, despite the weird jet lag that's got me all but wired. 'Til next time!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
I finally got a chance to catch up on your beautiful words and even more beautiful sentiments. Thank you for the precious peak into your life.