Okay, so I just have to come out and say it: this started out as a crappy freakin' day. Really, it's not so bad as it coulda been, and nothing ever is, but just to give you an idea I woke up to find a parking ticket for $115 on my windshield. Who's ever heard of such a ridiculous thing!!?
Sheesh, so now I'm fluttering back and forth like a lost moth looking for the moon, deciding first to seize on a crazy little Thanksgiving trip--despite all it's practical downfalls--and then minutes later wishy-washing my way back to a 'life-is-too-hard!!' sorta take on the whole situation. And all the while there's more homework than you would think humanly conceivable, some random self-subjected outling to prepare for a sudden study group session (cuz if you don't, well you might as well just drop out of law school!), a rock-climbing session that must needs be cancelled to get all the work a little closer to done, and even some unanticipated school-girl drama creeping up on me when I least expected it. Ack!!
But get this: all of it boils down to nothing when at the end of the night, the month-old thought of flying down to SoCal to see Grandma Sue before I can't anymore, is quite suddenly a plan, so that now I'm booked to take a flight tomorrow afternoon not too long after my first class. I'm amazed that such a big huge crazy trip can somehow be decided the night before, and then just as quickly happening, as though it were always supposed to. After all, what's 'supposed to happen' can't be defined till after it has--you just have to try and be impressed with it anyway.
Off the hook or not for Friday's outlining--I still got tomorrow morning's Tort class to contend with. So until next time: same time, same place--same old, same old.
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
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