Yay, almost done with homework!! Well, more like 'halfway' done with homework, here at 12:36am east coast time... But still a cause of celebration as far as I'm concerned.
Really, i did it to myself. Not only did i stay out way too late last night (after yet another long day of work, mind you), but then i woke up way too freakin' early this morning. Sheesh! See, I had this plan to go to the "Gunks" with some climbing folks, and the trip that was supposed to be from 8am-2pm, ended up lasting four hours past schedule. Not cool! As physically draining and mentally exhausting as the trip was, at least I'm happy to say that i've officially learned how to repel down sheer cliffs of sure doom. w00t! Scary as all hell, as one might imagine--especially considering that I had to down-climb about 7 feet before the rope could safely hold me!! (Without the risk of fraying on a lower ledge, you see...) Basically, after a longish drive there and back, with super-mad traffic on the way home, the time tally was about an hour repel-training and (thank goodness not final) act; an hour actual climbing (once we finally found and set a spot for a decent top-rope; and about four hours hiking, prep-work, and just plain wandering around. (Sorta fits in to that unfortunate 80-20 rule...)
So yeah. Anyway. Moral of the story: next time, either don't save quite as big a chunk of homework for Sunday, or just freakin' sleep-in and skip the temptation of adventure altogether. It's a damn scam, I tell ya! And on that note...
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
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