This will have to be another quick one...
(And just for the record, Jake: your email was lovely, and I intend to respond as soon as humanly possible!) (Hi mom! Hope you liked my "hug" the other night... Send Nick and family my love.)
Okay, enough of the parenthetical shout-outs. I went climbing tonight, and actually pseudo-managed a 5.10! (Which is especially great, because New York evidently has a tougher rating system than California... Argh!) Needless to say, now i'm tired and sore and stoked. (But again too tired to notice much of any of these...especially one about being tired!! No clue what I think I'm doing still being awake...)
Right! And now, enough of all the ellipses!! (Is that the right word?) School, school, and more school--basically my life. One thing that'll be interesting tomorrow night, is that I'm volunteering as a server for an annual benefit event for the Women's Justice Center at Pace. So that'll be a nice little aside. But I think I'd better save the details for tomorrow's post, since TECHNICALLY they don't yet exist.
So until then!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
Thank you my dear Princess. Your hugs and love is greatly appreciated. Your a good woman to volunteer at the Woman's Justice Center. It is good for you and good for everyone whose life you touch.