Today is actually the first day that I didn't have all the reading done for classes... Sheesh! I'm such a slacker!! Proximate causes have something to do with staying up till 3 pseudo-doing homework, as well as other unrelated things, after not getting home until forever late. (Beejeesus! I was at school endlessly yesterday, and the climbed right afterwards, and then got home late and went to the diner with Laura cuz i was starving and nauseous with dehydration all at once... So it was crazy waking up this morning, by and by.) But good news: wasn't that big of a deal. Actually, for the first class we'd yet to finish the cases from the class before, so we hardly even scratched the surface of today's assigned reading. So basically, everyone else is off the hook for homework on Monday, whereas i get an extra weekend to do it. w00t! I'll take it. For Contracts, a little less of a relief since the reading in that class is known to be "a little heavy", but hey, at least i didn't get called on to do a random case that i hadn't finished reading. The trick is to raise your hand and talk a bunch on what little you do know, so when dear Prof gets to the stuff you don't know, he'll be so sick of hearing from you that he won't notice (or mind) your sudden silence. Which is not to say that they haven't caught on to your predictable scheming. :D
Anyway. I think i'll just arbitrarily stop here--since everything's all arbitrary in law and order anyway, and I'm keen to be an apt pupil. One last thing though: the day was a gorgeous one. Fall colors are pretty much just suddenly in bloom all over campus, and the sun today was fairly blazing. Compared with the rain and cold of recent times, I gotta say this for the East Coast--you sure do learn to appreciate the nice days.
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
w00t. Let's here it for Lady Luck and lack of being called on in class. I love Fall Foliage!