Shit! It's already 11pm here! Not having a morning class, I have to say that I still did very well getting up this morning, but somehow or other the day got ahead of me anyway. I blame the constant rain, thank you very much.
Just a heads up--my forearms are feeling very weak at the moment, so I do not take responsibility for the occasional tpyo of this here email. Today the manager of the climbing gym teetered herself up a 5.12 route...for those of you who don't know, that's downright god-like. (Er, goddess-like, in her case.)
What else? Turns out I've somehow managed to get myself involved as an intricate part of a new school organization presently still in its infancy. (And by 'intricate' I mean, showed uprevious postp to the meeting that ended up having only two other folks there--one of whom is the founder.) Thus, we rallied our forces and headed off to the SBA ('student body association') to beg for a lotta legitimacy, and a little bit a cash. We'll see what happens. The group has a highfalutin title of "Education and Law Policy Organization", and their main claim to fame is that Suspension Revocation Project I mentioned in a . Sounds neato, in my opinion, but now that this will be the 3rd student org I'm getting my hands messy with...well, we'll just see what comes of it.
Anyway, I have so much to do!! I gotta quit you now, sadly enough... 'Till tomorrow!
Faretheewell folks,
1 month ago