Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 52...

Lemme just say, that this really WAS a productive day. Even though it ended with beer, ice cream, and two episodes of Desperate Housewives before i really got down to homework business--you're just gonna have to take my word on this: PRODUCTIVE.

I mean...I did laundry for chrissakes! And went to Target!! And yes...also didn't manage to get up early enough to start a morning running regime... But I did do the dishes! Among other, very worthwhile and important things... Sleep of which will be the next!

Faretheewell folk,

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes beer, ice cream, and inane TV is very productive to free the mind. But all good things in moderation my dear sweet child. You are ahead of me. I have never watched an episode of Desparate Housewives.
