Ahhh, the sketchy-mellow return of Friday...again, with the false sense of security. False or not, it's feeling freakin' great. I did a ridiculously little (says the slowly dawning terror) amount of homework today, and class was even kinda a wash. Goals for the weekend: 1) Write my crazy final paper so I can get the damn thing turned in by Tuesday and jet-lag myself all the way to happy Japan; and 2) Get together a decent resume and adequate beg-letters as prep for finding a Summer internship...preferably in Cali? (Is that too freakin' lame for words? ... Nope!!)
But beyond the hullabaloo of the upcoming weekend (wherein KATIE will be present again in my daily life, starting tomorrow night and lasting out the whole gorgeous week!!), tonight was marvelous. A friend from school had her 30th birthday hang-session tonight, (incidentally, also her 30th birthday! And don't worry, of course I made her cookies...till, like, 2 in the morning last night, in fact...all that high-energy slavery revolution talk, I guess, :) so she invited a few folks out to a bar/venue on the lower east side called The Living Room, where a friend that she hadn't seen for 12 years would be performing: Malcom Rollick, formerly known as 'Christie'.
Anyway, i'm fading (and freakin' cold!!) now, but the night was "AwesomE"--good hippie-folk-music; great law-students-and-others-trying-not-to-talk-about-law-school conversation. Can't ask for much more than that, as far as unwinding goes...until, of course, the winding back up starts again. But we'll certainly save that for tomorrow, eh!?
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
Portland to Portland on a Bike! And singing Folk songs along the way! Super awesome. Especially finding long lost friends on their 30th birthday along the way too. And all I have to say about Katie's trip is w00t!