(Mike's birthday!!) And the grind is back in full force for me, after a blissful weekend. Then it dawns on me: Japan is 17 days away!!? That's crazy talk. The two bullet points still to check off (besides the money-planning factor) is 1) Sierra in my absence, and 2) figuring my truck situation out... Besides that: Outlines! Legal Papers! Katie & Man coming up on Saturday!!! And of course, the everyday rush of homework stuffs...
This afternoon was actually a total wash: Mentally satisfying in that I cleaned and organized the whole freakin' mess of an apartment--but at the same time, no paper-writing activity as previously hoped. That's alright, I'm sure to start work early tomorrow, what with having Wednesday mornings off these days...w00t! One other item on the agenda, however--which has been in my good intentions for weeks, incidentally enough--is letter writing! (Especially to sweet Zoe, who I now have received 2 consecutive letters from, without adequately responding to either. Not Kosher!!)
But yes, all that for another day. (Namely, tomorrow.) For tonight, I'm off to bed, off to bed. It's like dried mango, see. That same part of me that buys loads all at once, reasoning that it'll last longer, seems also to believe that going to bed early means waking up less late. At least potentially. And so far, precedent to the contrary hardly seems to faze me at all, what with my undying faith in that very potential...my own? Ha!
Faretheewell folk,
5 days ago
Happy Mike's Birthday!