Okay, so we're gonna be cheating here. I don't know why the obsession, but when I call it a 'daily log', somehow it seems infinitely better to me to post-date and catch up rather than just skip days and make the next post fantabulous. It's super silly, too, cuz either way I'm not really posting every day...
But that shall change!! I'm back on the band wagon, and it all started with Wednesday!! I mean, today... So get this, Wednesday is a gorgeously free day: rather than two nerve-wracking classes to prepare for, there's just one, see. And it's the AFTERNOON one, too, so none of this early morning crap. Unfortunately, the effect of all this free time is the false sense of security that leads to sleeping it away. I get all comfy in the notion that a free morning is a long morning, brimming with time aplenty to sleep and do the rest of the week's homework and laundry and letters to long-lost loved ones. In reality, alls you really got time for is to wake up slightly later than usual, walk the dog, and take an extra long shower before it's time to go anyway--and still you get there 10 minutes late. Psha!!
Still, it WAS lovely outside today, even though it blows having to share the bed with the dog again. (Don't tell her I said that.) But keep in mind--suddenly my definition of 'lovely' has expanded to include 50 degree weather days...a bad sign, I be thinking. Nonetheless!
Faretheewell folk,
1 month ago
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