You'll never believe what went down tonight! Check this out: those posters I helped to partially design for the Women's Association of Law Students a week or so back was for an event that happened tonight. And it was freakin' phenomenal. You wouldn't believe what kinda human trafficking (aka: slavery) is going on under our very noses right as we speak!! The three top doozies: 1) Domestic Servitude; 2) Agricultural Labor; 3) Forced Prostitution. And I'm not even talking in a metaphorical sense, like, "Dude, you know those under-paid workers, dude? Well, like, they're like
slaves, man..." No! That's not how i mean it, I mean it like real-live legit slavery, in the guise of the mundane. What does an African boys' church choir, a group of deaf Mexicans, a troop of Chinese acrobats, and a hair-weaving beauty salon set of braiders have in common? Slavery!! Look it up, yo:
The Slave Next Door &
Very Young Girls. This here's some wack shiznit, lemme tell ya. It made me momentarily stoked about lawyerism by the end of the night, too, when I found out that the ACLU is currently in a suit against the U.S. government for handing budgeting allocation for the whole government-funded public interest sector to a big crazy Catholic organization!! Church and state, people: separate!! Anyway, there's my nightly rant. Needless to say I'm all kindsa psyched up... (Admittedly, not exactly an uber-difficult task for me, but still...this is some crazy shit for being all-the-too-true.) "But anyway. Um, uh, yeah."
Faretheewell folk,
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